Photo by Martin Wilner on Unsplash


Welcome on Impactivs’s blog,

As this is this blog’s very first post, we thought about sharing a bit of context behind Impactivs, its mission, and try to answer the most frequent questions we received.

First, what is Impactivs about?

ImpactivsImpactivS purpose is to empower Impact Entrepreneurs to build a more sustainable future by helping them close the expertise gap. We do that by bringing together the most actionable network of expertise to help changemakers take their ideas to market. This is the place where Knowledge, People, and Tools meet to make Impact Entrepreneurship mainstream.

Who is behind Impactivs?

Impactivs is a collective of entrepreneurs impulsed by Elie Casamitjana, Ewald Van Haver & Marie Geneste, all 3 entrepreneurs evolving in the impact & sustainable ecosystem. Besides the founding members, this collective also includes industry experts, business mentors, sustainability specialists, and impact entrepreneurs who join the network.

Discover more about Impactivs and the team here.


What will this blog be about?

Impactivs is about helping entrepreneurs, investors, community leaders, and any person in the impact industry to connect, inspire and aspire to more together. This blog will be about that too. It will include industry insights, interviews, and any relevant topic for the impact industry ecosystem.

Oh, together with this first blog article we just launched our first service for Impact Entrepreneurs, Impactivs Boost

Have a look and feel welcome to reach out to us at

The Impactivs team

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